First Name Last Name Phone Number Email Equities Data Metastock DC + North/South Americas Equities data $69US Per MonthMetastock DC + Asia/Pacific Equities data $59US Per MonthMetastock DC + European/Middle East and African data $59US Per MonthMetastock DC + World Futures ( includes Forex ) $59US Per MonthMetastock RT + North/South Americas Equities data $265US Per MonthMetastock RT + Asia/Pacific Equities data $265US Per MonthMetastock RT + European/Middle East and African data $265US Per MonthMetastock RT+ Worldwide Futures, Commodities, & Derivatives Data $265US Per MonthMetastock RT Forex Data $210.00US Per Month Credit Owner Credit Card number Card Expiry date / Card Security Code (CVC) Physical Address Note: A Metastock consultant will be in contact within 24 hours of selecting a lease to discuss the lease and to ensure the correct data region has been selected.